Molly Roland is a passionate film nerd working in the Atlanta area.



Born in rural south Florida, Molly Roland was raised by a mom that loved B-horror movies, and a father that said “you can eat vegetables until you get sick, and watch classic movies until you go blind.” Though it never came to that, Molly spent most of her childhood watching movies and now most of her adult life making them. With a Masters of Fine Arts in Film Production from Florida State University, Molly loves all facets of filmmaking. While she currently happens to be a career editor, Molly spends most of her free time writing her own films, narrative style podcasts and short stories. Moreover, Molly takes great pride in her rag-tag group of filmmaker friends in Atlanta, Georgia. With a little help from her film family, Molly gives to her craft endlessly, continuing to learn new skills, create new stories, and eat her vegetables (sometimes).


  • Master of Fine Arts, Florida State University, August 2017

  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Georgia, December 2013

Director’s Statement

"I've never been afraid to be different. I wasn’t embarrassed to be a unicycle riding tiger when I was the high school mascot, and I wasn’t hesitant to tell people when I was 11 that my favorite movie was On The Waterfront. I wasn’t afraid when I was the first person in my family to leave our home in rural Florida, but it is through my family’s unconditional love and support that I am able to pursue my dream of film. I try to approach my friends and my work with the same love and support that my family taught me. I’d sweep the floor in the studio if it meant I got support and be a part of film. And I can guarantee you no matter how overwhelming or scary a task may seem I’ll never let fear stop me from putting myself out there, and trying."